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IAFF Membership Benefits
Jan 02, 2024

•IAFF Disaster Relief Fund — Disaster Relief funds are available to IAFF members who are displaced from their homes as the result of a disaster. These include man-made disasters, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and other events.

• SAFER Grants — PFFASC receives assistance from the IAFF to apply for federally funded grants that help fire departments increase and/or maintain the necessary number of fully trained fire fighters in their community.

•IAFF Burn Fund— Burn Fund assistance may be awarded for the purpose of providing financial assistance for temporary emergency expenses when an IAFF member and/or a member of their immediate family (spouse and children) suffer a burn injury which requires admission to a burn center, resulting in a financial hardship. Disbursements shall only be granted for immediate travel, housing, food, medical supplies, services, and other similar assistance as deemed necessary.

• LODD Scholarship: Provides financial assistance for sons, daughters or legally adopted children of fire fighters killed in the line of duty planning to attend a university, accredited college or other institution of higher learning.

• Center of Excellence — The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is an in-patient, residential facility exclusively for IAFF members to treat addiction and other co-occurring disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Center is staffed by a highly experienced and specialized team that is familiar with the unique needs of our members and the fire service culture.

• Pension Plan Reports — The IAFF pools resources from all over the country to analyze pension plans to ensure that they are adequately funded and prudently invested in to ensure our members can enjoy their hard-earned retirement.

• Cancer Awareness and Prevention — The IAFF provides online training to assist members to better understand their cancer risk, know the exposures to carcinogens on the job and reduce the risk of occupational cancer.

• GIS Study — The IAFF and PFFASC can assist municipalities with comprehensive information on fire department staffing and deployment for fire suppression and the effectiveness of fire-based emergency medical services systems through GIS mapping.

• Hazardous Materials Training — Taught by IAFF instructors, these grant-funded training opportunities enhance our members’ role in public safety and keep them safe.​

• Fire Ground Survival — The purpose of the IAFF Fire Ground Survival program is to ensure that training for Mayday prevention and Mayday operations are consistent between all fire fighters, company officers and chief officers.

• NIST Studies — The IAFF works with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to conduct studies and provide data to keep fire fighters and communities safe.

117 Royal Drive
Williamson, SC 29485
  (864) 844-1258

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